wouldn't you be excited to open this?!
aaalso- i got my Plumeria Plant (white plumeria) on thursday. i thought it was supposed to have blooms but it obviously does not- but it's ok- it's got 2 pretty leaves (there were 3, stupid USPS) & some great roots. i re-potted it yesterday with a nice 50/50 mix of Sta Green All Purpose Potting Mix & Perlite- i watered it well & let it drain- and now i won't water it again until the soil is nice & dry. i'm really hoping it grows well & give me some flowers next spring. i also ordered another one with blooms (orange/pink blooms) and that should get here sometime next week.

the cats we're very interested in this new addition!
and that's about it- now i'm just looking forward to our wtf?! appt on tues!!! i can't wait to start my FET cycle! i really pray it works this time- PLEASE GOD!