1. check it:
so- if they ask me to attend then i'm 99% sure my ass'll be on a plane to Vegas. i won't know till june though so i didn't want to hold off. we'll have to wait & see.
2. i'm going to be having a few guest bloggers!!! who you might ask? when? well here's the plan:
- Mon March 15th: The Heir To Blair
- Wed March 17th: As The Forest [e] Grows
- Fri March 19th: The Southern Belle Baby
you're stoked, right? because i sure am! each of these ladies have earned my respect & adoration in the e-world. i've been faithfully stalking each blog since it's conception & i feel like i've watched them grow (corny i know)
so, here's what i need from you (my awesome readers)!
what would you like EACH of these lovely ladies to blog about???
sex? booze? marrige? bebes? weight? money? global warming???
it's your choice! so here's the deal- leave a comment letting me know what you want each lady to blog on (it can be a seperate topic for each gal or the same topic for all 3)
the comments will be open until Sunday March 7th & i will let the ladies choose 1 each & everyone know the results on Monday March 8th!
sound like a plan? yay!
please please PRETTY PLEASE leave comment/suggestions- i promise that each of these girls will have you on the edges of your seats- promise!
p.s. also, if you'd like to be a guest blogger in the future, shoot me an email! :)
Um, hi, I am SO jealous you're going to BlogHer! I want to go so freaking badly, but the whole getting on a giant metal contraption and hurtling through the air at alarming speeds thing is holding me back. Seriously, I'm terrified of flying to the point where I'd have to be knocked unconscious and dragged on board.
I think Blair should blog about penis pumps. Truly.
dude- you NEED to go- take a train! trains are kewl!!!
That is so fun. I wish I was even semi-cool enough to go. LOL. I may be in NYC that week too. Bummer.
I'd love to go to BlogHer but maybe next year. I'm not cool enough. I'd love to guest blog for you at some time. Check us out www.wakingupwilliams.com
And I'd like the to hear about some sexcapades.k
Sex. Haha I feel like a pervy little boy saying that, but seriously, our post baby sex life is just sad. SAD. Blair is the only one of the three I have read before, so I dont know the 'voice' of the other two but Im looking forward to it!
Hmmm...how about where they find great deals. For baby, for themselves, for their home, etc.? Or sex. ;)
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