aaand is there anything more presh than baby feet:
oy- i just love her little wrinkles & chubs. i know that when she's 16 she's going to be praying that she has neither (and that i'm no longer trying to take naked pictures of her) - but for now, she does & they're all mine to show to the internet world.
my lovely child woke me up @ 2AM demanding to be changed, fed & held.
now, i know for many of you mothers this is completely normal- but not for me! not my child! my child has slept through the night since day 1 & while she might wake up asking for her paci- she always goes right back down.
i can only assume that she's going through a growth spurt. lately, she's been sucking down 6+ oz within 5 minutes & eating way more than usual. so yes- that must be it.
so i changed her, fed her, burped her, held her & then brought her back to bed with me.
i don't know if there is anything more adorable than her little self all propped up between the hubs & i. and make that adorable x 100 when the husband, seemingly unknowingly, snuggles up to her with his hand on her tummy
::dies from swooning::
my my my.

(also- how do we feel about the post processing of these pics? i like the look, but think they might be a tad blown out...? any photogs out there- let me know!)
in other news:
my lovely child woke me up @ 2AM demanding to be changed, fed & held.
now, i know for many of you mothers this is completely normal- but not for me! not my child! my child has slept through the night since day 1 & while she might wake up asking for her paci- she always goes right back down.
i can only assume that she's going through a growth spurt. lately, she's been sucking down 6+ oz within 5 minutes & eating way more than usual. so yes- that must be it.
so i changed her, fed her, burped her, held her & then brought her back to bed with me.
i don't know if there is anything more adorable than her little self all propped up between the hubs & i. and make that adorable x 100 when the husband, seemingly unknowingly, snuggles up to her with his hand on her tummy
::dies from swooning::
my my my.
anyways- thanks to an awesome sale on Albee baby, we are now the proud owners of 2 VERY cute Britax Marathon Carseats:


i came home last night to the 2 boxes sitting at our doorstep ::does jig::
the hubs brought them in when he got home & now we're fighting about who gets the cow one in their car. all of a sudden he's obsessed with cows...whatevs.
and last but not least: Boob News-
Operation Wean Day#???
no idea what day- but i can say it's going swimmingly!
the first week was pure hell- i was engored, leaky, in pain, weepy- kind of like being pregnant. however, thanks to cabbage leaves, sudafed & my body doing it's job of regulating,my goal is in sight.
i'm down to 1 pumping session a day & i'm only pumping 6-7 oz per side. this is down from an original:
4x per day = 60 oz.
then 3x per day = 60 oz.
then 3x per day = 48 oz.
then 2x per day = 32 oz.
then 2x per day = 20 oz.
and now 1x per day = 14 oz.
i must say- it's still feels weird that i'm no longer pumping enough to freeze or even get her through the day on fresh milk- but i keep reminding myself it's for a good reason.
i've started breaking out the frozen milk & i can see how quickly it's going to go if i don't space it out. so this weekend = buying oatmeal, making babyfood & researching formula.
i think we'll end up with Similac Sensitive because i've heard it's the most like breastmilk. i'm going to do some math & figure out what the bm to formula ratio needs to be so that alex can have breastmilk all the way until her 1st b-day.
i hate math.
p.s. stay tuned because i've been contacted & asked to do 2 reviews & giveaways within the next week!!!
#1: Boogie Wipes (starts Mon Feb 22)
#2: YoBaby Meals!! - Organic Yogurt for Babies and Toddlers (starts sometime within the next week or so- you know, after alex actually eats it :)
Abby looks terrified in a lot of the pix I take of her...I think it's the flashy thingy...and oh, I love giveaways. I have a bunch coming up on my bliggity blog too!
Gorgeous photos. She's beautiful!!!
Not claiming to be a photog, but I like the post-processing. Clean, yet creamy. Just seems fitting for the pics.
Just my two cents.
I like the photos =) But I think what matters most is that you like them!
Sarah @ BecomingSarah.com
Aww. Cute photos. I love the baby feet photos. So sweet.
1- I nominated you for an award.
2- Very excited about boogie wipes. We are almost out of our 3-pack thanks to a nose than has run constantly for 8 days now.
3- I love weekend mornings...after J's 5AM feeding we bring him in bed. If he's tired, he goes to sleep. If not, he talks to the ceiling fan while we doze. Sometimes he scratches my back if I'm really lucky, with his cute little baby hands.
Your daughter is adorable! Look at all that hair!!
Visiting from FFF @ MBC! I'm your newest follower! Love for you to come visit me!
~Shelley @ Shelley's Swag
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