so, the awesome ladies ove at Boogie Wipes have agreed to give one of my readers 2 packs of 30 count fresh wipes (fresh, grape or menthol)!!!
here's my review on Boogie Wipes:
for as long as i can remember, i've been obsessive about snot.
if i see a kid digging in their nose- GET A TISSUE! if i see a kid with a runny nose- GET A TISSUE! if i see a kid with dried boogs on their face- GET A TISSUE!
eh- i don't do snot & boogers well. that's why when alex got her first cold i was in panic mode. you want me to suck out what with what?! have to pick off what?! i have to wipe what?! horrible- not to mention that her poor little nose was so raw from being suctioned & wiped with tissues that when she'd wake up with dried on snot i would just leave it as so not to traumatize her anymore.
well i found my snot savior- Boogie Wipes! a friend had actually purchased them for me as a joke (because i was always chasing her snotty kids around) and i stashed them away for later use. i pulled them out & slowly approached my 3 month old. she eyed me warily as i descended on her with the wipe in hand. as i went to wipe her nose she started freaking....then she stopped!
what is this? a wipe that doesn't hurt, burn, sting?! and it smells good to boot?!?! SUCCESS! my child simply sat there staring at me while i wiped the offending mucus away. and then she SMILED!! HOOORAY! i looked adoringly at the dirtied wipe & tossed it into the trash (after using it to wipe my own nose)- i love them.
so- since all i had on hand were little single packs i was really hoping that they came in a large count size- and they do! i found a 30 count pack and snatched it up (fresh scent)
i keep it on the counter in place of any tissues i used before (even my beloved vicks ones) why? because Boogie Wipes are the best! they're soft, they smell good, the perfect amount of wet, full of saline goodness & etc etc. i don't have to scrub my kid's poor little nose- a simple wiping takes care of any dried on snot. and i don't just use them for her. i use them for ME & the husband (and sometimes the dogs- oy)
so, before you go buy a box of regular tissues, consider grabbing a package of Boogie Wipes- once you go Boogie, you won't go back!

- follow Boogie Wipes on FaceBook: FB Page
- follow Boogie Wipes on Twitter: Twitter Page
- follow my blog & VOTE for me on Top Mommy Blogs & Top Baby Blogs!

go ahead & leave a comment for EACH of the above that you decide to do (i followed, i voted, etc etc) and that will up your chances of winning! and if you already follow them (or me) then go ahead & leave a comment saying so!!
this giveaway will be open until tomorrow night (Tues Feb 23) and i will use Random.org to pick the winner on Wed morning!
once the winner is chosen, i will have you e-mail me your info & i will pass it on the Boogie Wipes & they will ship your wipes directly to you.
good luck!
Hi! Following you from MBC! I love boogie wipes. I want to try the grape ones!
I was just telling my husband that we needed to try these!
I was just thinking of trying these. I became a fan on FB and, of course, voted for your blog. I don't twitter though :(
I already follow your blog!
I am following Boogie wipes on Twitter!
I am following Boogie Wipes on Facebook!
I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
I follow Boogie Wipes on FB.
I follow Boogie Wipes on Twitter.
I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs
I voted for you on Top Baby Blogs.
I'm following Boogies on FB...don't have a Twitter acocunt. And I NEED them b/c he's had a cold since starting daycare, and I'm almost out of my 3-pack!
Already a follower, but I voted for you on top blogs.
following boogie wipes on FB
voted for you at TMB
voted for you at TBB
i already follow your blog!!
OMG. Knox is the snottiest kid ever because of his reflux. You should have seen the boogers that came out of his tiny nose last night!
Anywayz, I follow you, obviously.
And I vote for you always. We came up through the ranks pretty well, no?
Would love to try these, I hate picking those dried boogies out! I follow your blog:)
I became a fan on FB as well!
I follow your blog, and I think this looks like a great product! My DD sqirms and screams when I try to wipe her nose...these may be the answer to our problem.
I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
I'm now a fan of Boogie Wipes on FB!
We could use the boogie wipes in our house this month!
I am a follower of your blog and voted for you in both Top Mommy & Top Baby blogs.
Welcome to the MBC New England Group!
They were talking about these in my Mommy and Me class. I love that they are made with saline. I am a fan on Facebook!
What a cool product and would love to try them. I am a fan of Boogie Wipes on Facebook.
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