i answered your questions with a video! (well, not all of them, i'll finish next week):
and for kicks- here's alex discovering that she can smack her lips & tongue:
she so freaking cute i can't even stand it.
in other news:
remember when my camera got dropped ::wince::
well i thought everything was fine but lately it's been throwing Errors like crazy. so yesterday i shipped the body out to Nikon for assessment. $50 bucks later...OUCH! yeah.
so now i'm basically cameraless- i have my Nikon CoolPix but it's really just crap compared to my DSLR. example:
here are some pics i took last night.
it was dark out, i had inside lights on & i didn't use the flash:

YIKES! i "cleaned" them up- upped the exposure & threw a polaroid action on them- but come on. these pics are crap. the only reason they're somewhat "neat" looking is because i worked @ making them look like a crappy pic on purpose. ::sigh::if i had my D90 & my speedlight- these pics would have been kick ass. this is just a reminder at how far cameras have come.
i mean, 4 years ago my CoolPix was pretty pimp. but now- blah. i mean, outside with natural light the pics would have been passable. but inside with or without the flash- they look absolutely horrid.
anyways i should have my camera back within 2 weeks ::fingers crossed::i wonder how much it's going to run me...? ::sob::
moving on- i'd like to gloat about something. the pants i have on in above horrid pics = a SIZE 5!!!
now i know for some of you skinny peeps out there, a size 5 = your "fat pants". but for me, a size 5 is like- WHOA! before i got ku i was very happily rocking a size 8/9- and while ku & for a few months after, size 10 was acceptable for me. but lately i've been looking dumpy & when my husband commented on how skinny i was geting, i knew it as time to suck it up & buy some new pants.
so we went to delias & i started trying on some of those popular "skinny jeans"- and what do youknow??? they FIT! so as i'm standing there in a slightly loose size 7, i braved it up & asked for a size 5.
i stood in front of the mirror & started to pull them on- the moment of truth....dun dun dun.....OMG! THEY EFFING FIT! and they look GOOD! REALLY?! is that ME IN THOSE PANTS!?
i flew out of the dressing room & pranced around for the husband. he told me the pants were so tight that i look like a little punk rocker dude- well this pleased me even more. i look like a skinny dude?! GO ME!
so i happily collected up my purchased & threw down $80 for 3 pairs of pants (and some socks):
skinny cords
super skinny jeans
and because i can't go skinny ALL the time:
boot cut jeans
so- now that i owned skinny jeans i needed appropriate footwear, no?
so to OffBroadway we went & i picked up a couple pairs:
Rocket Dog Boots

Steve Madden Moxie mocs
(they're basically these w/o the fringe)
and that's that! i've been walking around on cloud 9 since Saturday- once i stop breasfeeding i think that cloud might dissapate- but for now, i'll take it.
Woo Hoo -- congrats on your size 5's! It feels good to hit those milestones after the kiddos come, ya know?!
I loved the video Q&A!
The Alex video is adorable :)
Hope you get your camera back soon!
~Jenn (one of your internet peeps)
I juss love you to pieces.
that is all.
You are too cute!
Go girl! You look awesome!
I'm at work now so I can't see your vido but will look at home.
But YAYYYYY on the jeans - even when I'm back to pre-fertility meds weight I can NEVER wear skinny jeans as I have a huge butt and thighs *sigh*
And those photos look lovely - I actually love that effect you used. As you were talking "technical" I thought "what must she think of MY pics?" I just point and click, upload, post - that's IT :) No fancying up!
Loved the Q&A, the video was a great idea and thanks for answering my questions!
You look awesome, go mamma!
And Alex is adorable, as always... Awwww!!!
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