Friday, April 16, 2010

my big announcement

so you've all been waiting ever so patiently- so i'll come right out with it...after i tell you a few things:

1. alex cut her first tooth! this is a cause for celebration! we had a miserable few days- but now it's there. all sharp & loverly.
2. don't forget to enter the canvaspress giveaway- it's kick ass & it ends tomorrow!
3. ...ok that's it. dun dun dun.

ok so i drew you a picture (because apparently i think i'm good at it):

that's right. herrro prease bebe bird #2!!!

wants the deets? ok here goes:

- LMP: 03/05
- ovulation: 03/19-21 (not 100% on which day)
- maritals occur: 03/19
- i wait for my period but it doesn't come: wtf?!
- decide to pee on $10 because this is whack: 04/05
- fall over in bathroom stall because pee stick = 2 lines
- call OB & insist on a blood test: 04/05
- go in for said blood test: 04/06
- get told blood test #'s = awesome & i'm all set. lame- i need more.
- call RE for another blood test: 04/06
- go in for said blood tests: 04/07 & 04/09
here are BETA results:
04/06: 442.6
04/07: 687 p4: 21.16
04/09: 1,426

- numbers = super awesome. schedule 1st u/s for 04/16
- tries to act like a normal human being: 04/09-04/15
- goes pee, wipes, sees blood, has coronary: 04/15
- OB says "come in today for u/s": 04/15
- first u/s shows the following:
5 weeks 1 day gestational sack
yolk sac
IN MY UTERUS (blocked tubes + history of ectopic = this is amzing news)
implantation bleed (booooooo)

- talk with OB = this:
based on my LMP 5 weeks 1 day = A-Ok (i thought i was 5 weeks 6 days but this is based on my LPM, not my actual ovulation date which noone knows besides God)

implantation bleed (ie: subchorionic bleed) is probably the reason for my bleeding & since it's small i should have nothing to worry about (ie: implantation bleed looks like a-freaking-nother sack so i was scurred that there were 2 bebes in my ute)

we only saw a yolk sac & not the bebe because i'm 5 weeks 1 day & this is more than normal (whew)

OB is "cautiously optimistic" so i should be too.
i was sent home with instruction to take it easy, keep my feet up (ok), no maritals, no martial arts (damn), come in next thursday for another u/s (insert me = crazy person for the next week)

(oh, did i forget to mention that i've known i was ku for 11 days and i still haven't told the hubs ::GASP::)

so i went back to work (booo)- finished work & picked up alex- did mom things- put alex to bed- waited for the hubs- told him in some awesome way (ok, not really)- told him the whole story (omg i'm SO annoying when i tell stories)- watched him dance around & then pout when he realized that he'd have to finish the room downstairs & spend money- boooo- ate grilled cheese + tomato soup + watched the office- went to bed.

the end!

get all that? so yeah. if all goes well at next week's appt (prayers said, fingers crossed, goats sacrificed...what?) then i'll be due around Dec 15th or so. which = perfect because my next available maternity leave starts on Dec 13th (hello perfect timing)

crazy? yeah. why? because this happened without any help whatsoever. we were all set to have an FET in May so this is definately a shock. a good shock! besides the fact that it's simply awesome, it also saves us about $5k. yeah. word.

hmmm- so if you'd like to say prayers & all that jazz- you're more than welcome & i thank you in advance. i'll be so happy if this works out!!!! and if it doesn't (it sucks to say but i have to keep a level head) that'll blow but i'll be ok.
Pin It!


liz said...

Congratulations! I bet you are over the moon!

nicolesspirit878 said...

Congrats hon. That is really great news and I'm happy for your family! Yeah pregnancy cravings, are you ready?

Anne said...

Hooray! So happy for you :)

osuraj said...

Congrats! That's amazing that it happened on it's own and you can just enjoy it without all of the poking, prodding, testing, and of course extra stress. :-)

Phoenix said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I commented on one of your earlier blogs (discontinuing breast feeding) TTC the second child is soooo much easier and you might not even need the help of a specialist... thrilled to read that it held true for you too! There is a lot less stress TTC a second child since you already have your perfect baby and you aren’t focused on what your body is doing, it just happens; you hardly put any work into it ;).

LOL, if your hubby is like mine, he was looking forward to a lot of…well you know. CONGRATULATIONS, enjoy your pregnancy and here's to a happy and healthy pregnancy!

Jill said...

Oh my word! This is a MIRACLE! I love hearing about these plus, the money savings! WOW! This is so great! CONGRATS!

Beth Anne said...

Can I say HOLY SHIT on your blog?!?!


Congratulations, woman!!! I am seriously giddy with excitement for you!! NO HELP!

I love BOTH of your miracle babies.

Joanna said...

This post made me get all teary eyed. I'm SO excited for you!!!

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO!!!!! I knew it! I am so incredibly happy for you! This is so amazing. What a miracle that it happened without any assistance right before the FET. Couldn't have happened to a more awesome person. :) I will definitely pray for you guys and baby bird #2!

Francis said...

Congratulations!! that is so exciting!!

Jocelyn said...

Congrats! That's absolutely amazing!

Unknown said...

That is such GREAT news; Congrats!

Jennifer said...

Whoot Whoot!!!!! What an incredible blessing! I am so, so very happy for your little family :-) Alex is going to be a great big sister!

B F said...

Oh my goodness!!! Congrats!!!! Join the mommies with 2 under 2!! I love it!!! Prayers are definitely coming your way from Iowayyyy!

Grace said...

Aw Congrats! Two is a new kind of awesome!

Tiffany said...

YAY Momma! I am so excited for you!!! Baby Birdies!

Blushingbride said...

So happy for you!!! Congrats!! Tons of thoughts prayers and well wishes!!!

CLML said...

This makes me so unbelievably happy! BTW--did you get my email?

Just SO SO awesome--CONGRATS!

Diane said...

Congratulations! Definitely sending good thoughts and prayers your way! So happy for you and your family!

E said...

I'm so happy for you! I'll keep you and your little miracle in my prayers.

Rebekah said...

No martial arts? WTF?! Good luck with that. Oh wait, that's not the point of this post??

Thank God for a miracle baby in the ute! And thank God you told the hubs (mine said he would kill me if I ever pulled that crap...!)

Thrilled for you! :)

Rachel @ The House of Burks said...

Congratulations!! How exciting!

Angeline said...

How exciting! I just came across your blog! Love it! Very happy for you and your family!

Nicci said...

AHHH!! How exciting!! Congrats, momma!

Bekah said...


Shelby said...

Congrats! I'm a lurker, I've been reading your blog for like. ever. I'm so excited for you! I bet it is such a feeling of relief to have this happen on it's own. My hubby and I needed medical intervention also and I figure I'll never know what a "suprise" feels like.. but now I'm pregs with TWINS and life is great! Good luck and I'll say a prayer for ya!

Eliza said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So happy for you! Exciting!!!

oh, and now compared to all that's lame...but, here's a little award because you make me smile...

Christine said...

Congrats! This is so awesome!!

Team Scienski said...

You make em' cute.
Oh Trina *dreamy sigh*

Ro said...


Anne said...

Wow, that is so amazing. Congrats!!!

Marcia (123 blog) said...

COngratulations! I can't believe it - what is this with all previous infertiles having babies naturally? LOL

You are now the 4th - thank goodness for saved $5000.

Anonymous said...

Effin sweet the pic u drew !!!! My #2 saved me a boatload on daycare since i qualify for assistance with 2. Praise Jesus!!

And congrats to Alex on getting a first tooth !!! Awesome!

PhinneyGirl said...

Congrats! That is SO exciting!

Crazy thing is, we found out this week we are pregnant w/ baby #2 also! We had to use fertility drugs to get pregnant the first time, and weren't expecting it to happen without intervention the second time. We were going to wait until the summer to start actively trying.

But i'm not as brave about sharing the news on my blog yet. It'll be at least a few more weeks....

Again, congrats to you!

******* said...

Woohoo! Congrats. Welcome to the world of "baby bunching..."

Danse said...

OMIGOD! Congratulations, such incredible news! Keeping you in my thoughts!

Beth said...

Congratulations!! That is awesome!!

kate said...

Congratulations!!! Yaay for being able to get pregnant the "normal" way! :) So happy for you.

Anonymous said...
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Desi said...

Congratulation! What great news :)

juliane2004 said...


Kristin said...


Mrs.F said...

O.M.Freaking.G!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so damn excited for you I have no other words. Yay congrats!!!!!!

And sorry it took me so long to see this... I'm just now catching up on blogs from this whole week... I'm lame.

Unknown said...

thank you everyone!

and PG- congrats!

Beckie @ Wishuponastardesign said...

OMG SOOOOO exciting!!!! :)

Tabitha said...

Oh my goodness...I'm so behind and was catching up on my blogs today, what an AMAZING blessing! God is so good!!