Friday, April 30, 2010

7 week belly pics

i know very well that what i'm about to show you is pure bloat (and the result of 1 too many cookies) but i started documenting @ 7 weeks with alex so it's only fair.

so here i am this morning @ 7 weeks 2 days:

please note that my child is playing with my flip flop. i wish i were that easily amused.
so- as you can see, along with my stomach- my ass & thighs are on their way to getting bigger. super. i'm still wearing my 5/6 skinny jeans- but i feel like that's not going to be acceptable for too much longer.

case in point? this is how i keep my jeans up on a day to day basis:

a hair band & almost zipped zipper. (if you look closely you will see what's hanging on from my last pregnancy- my linea nigra & stretchies. this is why i will never rock a bikini again. no MILF title in my future)

so yes- 7 weeks. so far my boobs aren't huge- they're bigger, but they got pretty pathetic after i weaned so now they're simply acceptable looking. all my normal clothes still fit (thanks to strategically placed hairbands) and noone that i don't want to know knows i'm up the duff with #2 (did that make sense?)

aaaaand- to stop you from ripping your eyes out after those pictures of my non Victoria Secret's body- i give you miss alex. happy as a clam @ 6 in the am:

aw aw aw!

too cute. we like green- and white. ha!
and because i'm slipping like MAD- who wants to vote for us?

Vote For Use @ Top Mommy Blogs

#18 makes us sad- that smiling lady is lying! clicky clicky!
happy friday everyone!

p.s. if you think i should be reading your blog because you're awesome, when you leave a comment leave a link for your blog & i'll go follow you. i really do try to comment back on everyone- but it's hard! so help me out!
Pin It!


Diane said...

You still look great - I am so jealous of your 5/6 jeans, even if they are getting a little snug! And Alex is looking adorable as always! :)
Btw, where have you been woman, I miss seeing new posts on your blog from my reader??
Still sending happy thoughts and prayers for #2!

Erin Short said...

You look awesome! Alex is adorable! Congratulations on #2!

Sarah said...

You look amazing!!

Erin said...

I may not even take belly shots this time around, because I still look 7 months pregnant from when I had Trent. I put ON weight after he was born...

Bethany said...

Congrats!! I just love documentaing belly pics!! LOVE Alex's hair bow :)

You can follow me at:

liz said...

I documented my belly growth, too, and you HAVE to start early. It's a requisite, really. :)

Anne said...

You are skinnier than me woman! LOL. I love how Alex is looking up at you in pure wonder in one of those pics :) So cute. Yay baby #2!

B F said...

I think you should TRY (I know how stubborn little girls can be!) but seriously try and get Alex in each weeks belly shot. It just makes it that much cuter! But that's just my opinion! She is so stinkin' cute! If you want to check out my little girl swing our way! We'd love it... oh and I'm 27 weeks pregnant and still yet to do a belly shot. One of these days...

Carol said...

I agree with Britt. That's a cute idea. You look fantastic! I've been reading for awhile, but now I'll follow and vote. What an amazing journey baby #2 will be for you.:)

Mrs. Beer said...

oooOoOoOohh, we're only 3 weeks apart! I'm about a month pregg-o with my second as well... but haven't told anyone yet (that's a lie)! But telling fellow bloggers is legit... Congrats! You look great!

Kristin said...

You look great and look at your belly you have no streach marks thats awsome. I cant wait to start trying again I really want my babies to be close in age as well. And she is the cutest baby. I also wish I was back in a 5/6 jean. Stop by if you would like.

juliane2004 said...

I voted for you!

PS. Guess what?!? I'm pregnant too! But don't mention it on my blog quite yet. I'm on theBump, though: juliane2004. :)

Bekah said...

I still cant believe you are pg again! Its awesome, just WOW. And I totally milked that hairband trick for as long as I could, I hated maternity pants. I have long legs and ALL the pants, even the longs, came about and inch and a hlaf above my shoe. It was pretty hot.

Shelby said...

Awwww! You look so cute and I'm so excited for you! I just think about how thrilled and relieved you must feel getting preggo on your own after everything you went through to get Alex (who is gorgeous by the way-- kudos to mom and dad)! My hubby and I suffered infertility as well. Such a downer! PS.. I voted for you again-can't have you slipping momma!

Ingrid said...

Congrats again and Alex is so adorable. Love the green and white :-). My blog is just starting to get on it's feet and I love new followers.

Anonymous said...

You look great! And it's okay... you're not the only one with the everloving linea negra that won't go away. :(

Alex is the cutest kid ever. I don't know how you ever stop kissing her little cheeks!

i voted, of course! Because I love you, and you need to be back at the top!

Gini said...

i heart you, your blog, your bute log cabin, and alex. oh and new followers too!

happy friday!

Baby For Ballerina said...

Such a cute little bump! I love all your Alex pics, she's too sweet.

If you want to follow:

Unknown said...

I love the way that she is looking up at you......."hey mom what the heck are you doing lifting your shirt??"

E said...

My linea didn't go away until I was 12 weeks pregnant with my 2nd so there's hope! I feel you on the boob situation too.

I want to know how you find the energy to get Alex dressed so cutely at 6am. My daughter leaves the house in pjs and a sweatshirt.

Mrs.F said...

You look awesome! And we all have stretchies... nothing we haven't seen!!
Alex is adorable as usual & love her little bow!
Do you have an idea of what the sex is yet?? Any guesses between you & the hubby?

Saffy said...

I'll babysit Alex ANY time :) Darn she's cute.

As for you - you're looking fine! And yep, you made perfect sense.

Still in a mix of shock and admiration of you being up the duff again - tres exciting!! :)

Low Mona said...

You look great for having a still tiny child and being 7 weeks along. I gained 45 lbs. with my son, and it took me until 2 summers ago to get back to where I felt like I looked acceptable. I have been working out like crazy, and am now almost back to pre-pregnancy condition. I was 18 when I had Jaden and now I am 26, and am slowly but surely losing every last little inch of baby weight and body redistribution. Have fun with your pregnancy and who cares if it takes 5 years to get back into shape, babies are worth gaining 100 extra lbs. (Although, 100 extra lbs, would make it harder to run after those babies!) LOL!

D said...

Confession: I still do the rubber band trick from time to time. My baby is 10 months old. And I'm not at all pregnant with another one. Pitiful!

Unknown said...

very jealous of your 5/6 jeans! No way can I fit in my old 5/6 jeans! I've been following your blog for a while now, never posted but enjoy reading! Follow me over at

Unknown said...

You are three weeks ahead of me :) It will be interesting to compare our progress, even though this is your second and my first.

The Pink Blogger said...

Just found your blog through As the Foreste Grows. Love it! And congrats on the pregnancy! I'm about 10 1/2 weeks, so I'm looking forward to having another preggo blogger to follow!