so we spent a solid 5 1/2 hours milling about with the rest of new england. i am pleased to announce that i didn't gain 20lbs because frankly, i forgot to eat.
i'd be like- "oh- i want that!" then i'd get distracted & too lazy to go back & find it. so blah blah. i did have my fried twinkie though. so no worries.
anywho- alex had a blast. she only tolerated the stroller for a couple hours & then insisted on being held or "walking". thankfully the in-laws met up with us so she got her wish.
she got to pet animals & eat crappy food & drink a slush (a highlight of her day) & wave at people & look at rides & etc etc etc.
she did pretty well & only started tweaking when i tried to make her lay down for a nap (FAIL) she eventually fell asleep sitting up in her stroller- just as we were about to leave. so we stayed a liiittle while longer & she promptly woke up when we put her in the car...and stayed awake the rest of the day...and night. omg- horrible.
that night was God aweful. she was so wired & her teeth hurt & i think she was still getting over all her shots- gah. she wsa up & down & all around & she randomly pooped at like 3am- wtf?! and she was in our bed, then her crib, then the glider.
horrid. but she felt much better on sunday (thank God) so she wasn't the beast i was expecting.
ok- now, pictures:
- we started off with some llamas or alpacas or whatever:

they were very cute & i would like one thank you very much
- then we headed over to the maple shack, blacksmith, tractor crap & the ZOO!

fun fun. then we had to hit the bathrooms & let mamma sit down for a minute

- and then she demanded to "walk"- so off she went with dadda & grams

- but then she spotted huge ass cows- and indicate that she'd rather be carried thank you very much!

- however, fake cows are far less intimidating

- and then she managed to scratch herself in the face (??) and started to realize how tired she was

- and finally- crash

and then we left. i must admit, i was happy to leave. i love the fair but jeeze. people are rude & pushy & they crowd & kids run amuck & blaaah.
i was a little sad that i didn't eat more- but i guess it's for the best.
- once we got home she was in pretty good spirits (even though i could tell she was exhausted)- we bought a sheepskin & she loves to just sit on it & play

she is legit obsessed with that bubble toy. i think you're supposed to use it in the bathtub, but the living room will have to suffice.
then the night from hell began. i seriously don't know how mom's & dad's with "bad sleepers" do it. i mean, my GOD! she went down super easy- but from 9:45pm she was up & down & i was freaking TIRED! and Lord knows the husband isn't going to get up, so it was all me.
thankfully she got a couple hours in & when she woke up at 6ish the husband got up (Sundays are his day) and i slept until 9 or so. she took a nap & was in a super good mood when i got up- so all was well.

- and then the hubs turned on football. terrible. NFL RedZone be cursed.

believe me- i don't let her stand like this for very long. she was promptly removed.
and that was our weekend. a success? yes.
am i still exhausted? hell yes.
What fun!
I love your outfit! I wish I could pull of the leggings with a shorter (but still long) shirt on top. I tried to do it sort of like this the other day and I couldn't leave the house because I was paranoid about my rear. :(
These pictures are great and you look like you had a great time!~
her outfits are too cute! and my daughter has that bubble thing too but she is a little afraid of it. haha
Looks fun! I'm totally jealous- our fair does NOT have llamas or kangaroos :(
You both looked quite adorable. Love the outfits!
Haha am I the only one who was cracking up at the pooping cow? Yes? Ok then.
also...the pictures of you and Alex are awesome!!
Okay where did you get that big pillow/chair? I love it!
BTW - Love your blog...I have given you an award on my blog.
OK, please tell me where you get her clothes!! she is always dressed super cute, I love her style hahaha!
gracias ladies!
Jen- the bean bag is from Target!
Nicole- oh Lordy. i could go on & on! BabyLegs, consignment stores, Target, Tea, PediPeds, scouring the internet...ha!
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