Wednesday, January 13, 2010



Haiti's tragedy hits very close to home for me- my mother, who is a minister, is heavily involved with the Haitian community here in NH. in fact, she organized & has been bringing Haitian exchange students over from Haiti for the past 5 years. i've been around the Haitian community for most of my life & i don't think i've ever met happier, more loving & compassionate human beings.

currently my family has a 15 year old Haitian student living with them & we are unable to reach his family (which resides in Port-au-Prince)- we also had a student graduate last year & return home to Port-au-Prince & so far, we've also been unable to reach him. also, the MANY MANY MANY Haitian families that reside in NH are unable to reach many of their relatives- they can only assume the worst until they hear otherwise.

so PLEASE! keep Haiti in your prayers- i can't even imagine the horror.
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