Friday, March 27, 2009


BIG U/S = April 23rd @ 3:30pm!!! woot!

i'll be 19 weeks 2 days. later than i would have liked- but i'll survive...maybe.

3 weeks 6 days to go...
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pre-natal appt

i had my 1st pre-natal appt yesterday at 15 weeks 2 days. i met with a diff. obgyn than usual (some guy)- and he was really cool & has lunch once a month with my RE, how weird?! so when he saw i had come over from RSC & saw my history he had loads of questions/stories that he felt the need to ask/share. i didn't mind- i like to talk- but it wasn't what i was expecting. but as i said, he was cool so i obliged. so yesterday consisted of:

-they weighed me (up +2lbs)
-he measured my belly
-he felt around for my ute
-he asked me a bunch of questions & told me ectopic horror stories...hmmm
-he doppler'd me & found the baby's heartbeat right away ::squee::
-told me i needed to call this other place to set up my "big u/s"

i have another appt in 4 weeks with another ob- at this rate i will have seen every ob in the practice. lovely!

i called this morning to set up my big u/s but the lady told me that my ob's office should be doing this- gah! she was super nice though & offered to call them for me to figure it out. thank you nice lady!! she will call me back later today and hopefully i can get this scheduled so i can start counting down!

and that's that! now i'm looking forward to a happy weekend (shopping at the Tilton Outlets ::swoon::) and chillaxin' with my homegirls (omg, who says that?!)
no but really, i'll be going to the outlets & then eating dinner with my 2 best friends :)
hurry up 5 o'clock!!!
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

15 weeks

taken tues:
ok- so in the first 2 pics you can see what i look like clothed:

hmmmm- loose sweater = is she fat? ooooor?
ok, now sans clothing:

much better! i think i actually look ku when my belly is un-covered. also if i wear a tighter shirt i look much to round in one area to be considered fat- woot!
as you can see i'm also rocking the maternity pants- they are so freaking comfy!!! they're a little looser than i like but i didn't want to get a size small because i see those not fitting any longer come this summer- so yeah.
all in all i feal great- my main "issues" include: heartburn gas, sciatic pain, rpl, tiredness & food aversion. otherwise i think i've had it pretty good so far!
i have a pre-natal appt tomorrow & i'm keeping my fingers crossed that they let me hear the heartbeat ::squee:: i also hope i can schedule our big u/s- i'm so pumped to find out what this child is!
my dentist (whom i saw on monday) has decided it's a boy. we shall see!
ok- i'm off to watch family guy & think up ways to convince the husband that i need Coldstone tonight...oh yeah!
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

maternity pants = comfort

so i was going to hold off as long as i could before buying anything "maternity"- but i stopped into MotherHood Maternity & BAM- i walked out with 2 pairs of the most comfortable pants/shorts i have ever put on:

secret belly fit short = can't wait till summer!!!

secret belly fit jeans = omg, wearing them NOW!!! i mean, i want to wear these even when i'm not KU. for real.

i also found this super cute sweater at Old Navy- it's not maternity but its still adorable.

and my dear husband bought me the Uggs i've been drooling over. seriously- these are the only ones i've seen that i liked but i didn't want to drop $200 on them. so he did. woot!
i also finally found a bra that fits at Gap Body- it was only $17.99 too because it's this weird brown color- whatevs!

and that's that. actually, wearing these pants actually make me look pregnant rather than fat- it's nice. i'll take a 15 week pic on tues to prove this.
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Monday, March 16, 2009

how we told the parents

each parent got the same frame with the same 3 pictures. a 5 day blast, 9 weeks & 13 weeks. we hadn't told them about us trying or having issues or IVF or anything- so i thought this would be a classy way to give them the news & also show them what we went through at the same time.

his parents were happy- but not over the top like i thought they might be. much more subdued- but still happy. i explained IVF to them but i don't think they reeeeally get it. oh well.

my mother on the other hand- jeeze. you wouldn't think the woman already had 4 grandkids. she was flipping out & screaming & going on. she had also called my brother earlier & told him that she knew we were coming over to tell them that we were ku- she's insane! i explained IVF to her & she was totally interested, so that was cool.

the other thing is that my mil wants a girl (because she has no girls in her family) but my mother wants a girl because they already have 4 granddaughters- yeeee! i wish i could deliver both but i can't- the thing is, is that my fingers are crossed for a boy too, so i think my mil is a little bummed. ah well.

so yeah- i also "came out" on facebook & myspace so i had tons of calls & well wishes today. i still haven't told work though- it's kind of funny & i like having this "secret" :)
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Thursday, March 12, 2009

13 weeks 2 days

so we had our NT Scan today- wooo! the lady told me to come with a full bladder & i totally didn't- i told her it was full though, and when she started the ultrasound she said "perfect"- ha, sucker. anyway.

so according to her & her measurments, everything looks good! the baby was very coopertive & stayed still when she needed him/her too. he/she did start moving near the end (hiccups & such) & then gave us a little wave- sweet. we got some great shots & he/she has a very lovely profile IMO. heh. the tech said he/she was very "sonogenic" - takes after me. der. oh yeah- heartbeat = 136 bpm. that's good she said, so- cool.

then i sent the husband on his way & got my bloodwork done. just one little vial today & then i go back on April 2nd for the 2nd half of it.

and that's that. i think brandon told his work today (because he's been chomping at the bit since day 1) but i didn't feel like it- i think i might just let people figure it out (but i'd hate to have them think i'm just getting fat- yikes) but we'll see. it's getting harder & harder to hide my diminishing waistline- meh.

we'll probably tell the rents this weekend. if i could hide it, i'd totally wait till Easter- but my short torso & lack of self control when it comes to cookies isn't going to allow that. damn me.

i think i'll make copies & frame a couple of the u/s pics & give them those- and be all like "i don't know how this happened aaaaaiiiieeeee!" lolz- nice. my parents'll be happy but they already have 4 granddaughters- the man's parent's on the other hand- yeeesh, they're gonna freak.
they want grandkids sooo bad and the b-man is the only one who's in any position to provide them with any so yeah. go us.

ok- i gots to go work- i'll post my alien baby pics laters. ciao.
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