Monday, March 3, 2008

one step closer?

well- i'm officially over my flu- i've got a little bit of a sore throat & i'm still tired but i'm pretty much good to go. soooo, that's great. in other news:

i had my cd3 bloodwork & internal ultrasound at 6:30 this morning (ugh). it went quickly & it was neat to see my empty uterus, my lining, my ovaries & various follicles. i also got to see my bladder- heh. i had 5 follicles on one side & 7 on the other. she said everything looked great. then i had my bw done & the nurse called me back with the results this afternoon- everything is perfect except for my Prolactin- it's at 41 & they like it below 20- eek! so they're going to re-test it this friday when i go in for my HSG- another eek! hopefully it'll go down- also brandon has SA #2 on wed- however- he hasn't ejaculated in over a week (not that i know of anyways) & he's not supposed to for at least 72 hours before his SA- so even if we do the deed tonight i think thats pushing it to close so i'm going to have him call & re-schedule it for Thurs. morning instead. then i'll feel better about the timing. yeeeah.

so yeah- if all goes well, we should have all of our results by this friday & i should be able to schedule another appt with the RE for next week. i'm pretty excited!!!! i hope this is our month because this is our last chance for a 2008 baby- time is flying!!! ahhh well. we shall see.

God Bless
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