Wednesday, January 15, 2014

taps mic.

oh you guys. i've tried so hard.

i keep planning to sit down & catch up. to write out life. to upload pictures. to be hilarious.

but. LIFE! you know?

cohen is 6 months old now. 6 MONTHS OLD NOW! 
brynn is 3 now. 3 YEARS OLD NOW!
alex is 4 now. 4 YEARS OLD NOW! {repeating myself means this shit is real}

but in between Pre-K runs, play dates, birthdays, pedi visits, church, life, grocery shopping, making lunches, passing out snacks, making 2nd & 3rd lunches {seriously people?}, reasoning with toddlers, changing diapers, potty training, cursing winter, loving winter, cursing winter again, wiping noses, watching what i eat {BWAHAHAHAHA!}, & ALL THAT JAZZZZZ....this poor little blog gets pushed to the back of my to do list.

in fact, i think it may have simply fallen off the list. & i'm torn on how i feel about that.
i blogged for all of alex's current life & all of brynn's & then when cohen came along i tried....but just re-read the above stuff & yeah. you see?

i do love blogging. but i also love living & not trying to remember every detail. not trying to upload pictures in a reasonable amount of time. not feeling like, "oh crap, i should blog that...." but then feeling like i'm suuuuper behind because i haven't.

i've "met" SO many awesome people through this blog. internet friends & real life friends.
& reading back through old post, oh it's glorious! to read a post & be like, "OMG I REMEMBER THAT! LOL!" 

so, what to do? what to do?

this is obviously a 1st world problem here. i get that. no one's life is going to be affected if i stop blogging. & no one's life will be affected if i don't. i'm not THAT much of a big deal, so don't worry- i'm not delusional & biting my nails or losing sleep over this. der.

but i'm not sure i'm ready to say peace out either. because 7 years {that's what we're going on here- whoa} is a long time. & i like typing things out & putting pictures up. when i have time, i really do.

so for now the old girl stays. & i'll once again do my best to pay her a little bit more attention.
but you can always find me on Instagram: @lookatthebirds - that is if you like being bombarded with pictures of my kids + food + my kids some more + more food + get the idea.

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Ariel @ Dreams To Do said...

Um, you're pretty much a big deal. :) I say just blog whenever the hell you feel like it. No need to give up on it just because you aren't busting out 5 posts a week. I think there's definite ya shift in the blog world going on. More social media, less blog posts. It's all good!

Megan said...

I think you know how I feel.

Melissa said...

Happy to see your post in my feed! I love the pics you post, and now that I know you update Instagram with pics I will go there. You guys are a beautiful family and I am so happy that you are getting to be with your children! I need to get your book The Host back to you and would love to come visit with you and the kids one afternoon!

Unknown said...

I've fallen off the blog bandwagon like 4 too many times... but I always come back. I think you should just keep blogging... even if it's not so regular. For one to appease the masses like myself and for two so you can look back and read over it all someday. :) But I totally understand that you're busy. I can't even imagine! I'm crazy busy with just two toddlers... let alone two AND a baby! :)

gillian claire said...

oh my goodness, all of your photos here are so wonderful! i'm going to have to go check you out on instagram!

Stephanie said...

I feel the saaaame way! My blog is majorly neglected!