Wednesday, March 20, 2013

this is what's up

first off- it's march 19th & Easter is in less than 2 weeks. so like any normal human being, my mind is focused on flowers, new grass, warmer weather & possibly skipping the tights when donning our Easter dresses.

but no. today march decided that it has a love affair with snow & dumped a good 6-8 more inches off in our yard. lovingly, like it's a gift that we should thank the 3rd month of the year for. "what's this? more snow?! oh my! you shouldn't have!"

so now, saying the word "spring" feels like i'm saying a dirty word. in trying to educate the girls about the seasons (& justify buying more flip flops) i say, "yes! spring is coming soon...." & then i stand there all twitchy & bitter because i'm clearly a liar.
look at me- wearing wool socks, sweatpants & my bathrobe while uttering the words "spring is coming."
look outside- at the layer of white, frozen ground & freezing temperatures.
look at our propane bill-  dear God, look at it!

i could go on, but i think you catch my drift.

secondly- in 2 weeks my current working full time working mom status will change to a part time status in preparation for a...full time stay at home status. damn. i'm all kinds of excited/worried/freaking out/pumped/what have i done...
this is going to be completely new for me. i have ALWAYS had a job. always. i've never really seriously entertained the idea of staying home (at least not full time) & outside of maternity leave, the longest i've ever been at home with the girls (without a "reprieve") is a week. tops.

but adding a 3rd child completely changes the dynamic of our lives. there is also the fact that KB (nanny) will be leaving us at the end of this month to prepare for her own new addition (in may) & 3 toddlers + 2 newborns just wasn't going to be a viable option for any 1 person to handle. add onto that the random schedule of Pre-K that will start in Sept & the mind blowing cost of 3 children in daycare...well, that made our decision for me to stay home almost a no brainer.

thankfully, i'll be able to transition into this new role by cutting back my workweek to 3 days. i'll be working part time through april & may & wrapping up in june. that'll give me a few more weeks to get "used" to staying home 24/7 before baby bird #3 arrives. it also gives me a few extra weeks with my girls. just us- before we introduce a game changer.

wish me luck. or rather, give me ideas on what to do all day, how to stay sane, how not to go to Target every day, etc etc.

thirdly- i wish i had pictures to share. real pictures that have been taken with my real camera that cost me real money & that i should spend more real time using. but alas. i do not.

my iPhone has become my go to & even then, i don't take nearly as many pictures as i could/should. i'm actually going to be attending a photography workshop in May in TX & i'm really hoping it inspires me to pick up my camera more. besides being my part time business, it's also the tool i should be using to capture memories of my own family & i am failing. so hard. because i'm so tired & burnt out. & just...just.

but for now, a few iPhone captures.

moccasin day, dora coma, belly, Pre-K sign up day, judging cat, brynn snuggles, playday, naptime, fresh baked bread, happy st. patrick's day
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Viki said...

Wow you have a lot going on! Congrats to switching to SAHM! It's a big change but you are tough and you can do it! Best advice I have is to plan out your week in advance. Have something to do every day (library, grocery store, beloved Target, play date, museum) to get you out of the house. This is particularly important in the dreaded winter. Then have some activities (read: distractions) ready to roll for when your kids are whining at you and you just need them to back off! (so loving) :) Good luck, you're going to do great!

mama foosa said...

so excited for you (and jealous!) of your soon-to-be stay at home mama status :) you're going to love it! wish you were closer so we could do play dates/excuse to drink wine together ;)

Zaralex said...

I didn't know you were staying home!!! That's great! When I first had no job and a baby I had a hard time with the loss of myself BUT since you already have two and are probably going to be so excited to be home everyday... it won't make a big difference. But I mean, is making meals, feeding meals, cleaning up meals... x1003 your idea of a great day? If so, you're alllll set. xoxoxo

Tabitha said...

Yay for your (almost) SAHM status!! LOVE it and I'm super jealous! I love working, and I love my job...but I would love more to be at home with my babies at least until they are officially in full time school. Those are times and memories you'll never get back, and now you won't miss out on a thing!!!! XOXO

Ariel @ Dreams To Do said...

Oh man, I can't wait to hear about how the stay-at-home-mommy thing goes! I'm thinking that when I have baby #3 (who is just a figment of my imagination at this point), I will have to stay home, too. The idea of staying home with my kiddos sounds great, but I'm not sure if I'm cut out for it. So, can't wait to see how it goes for you! That's exciting!

Nicole said...

Congrats! I'll never forget your "I love bacon" post. When I had a hard time leaving my first to go back to work I would think back to that post. I've recently gone back to work with my second and found myself telling myself how much I love bacon over again ;)