i like when things are warm & fuzzy.
like baby bunnies & newborn chicks.
but not mold.
this one time, in college, i didn't wash my towel for like 3 months (i'm not kidding. i was poor. and in college) and my roomate (in fact, the same one who's bridal shower was celebrated last weekend) pick it up, took a whif & stated,
"oh my GOD Beaner- this thing smells like hot mold!"
so when i think of warm & fuzzy- it makes me happy. but then i think about hot mold, on my body- and i get all twitchy.
and as promised- here are some snapshots of last weekend:
this is what 6am looks like after 3 hours of sleep:
flattering- no?
our friend's have a super cute dog. olivia. she amazingly timid considering her size:
the husband = the Ace Venture of kids & pets
now that gary is no more (sob) this is my favorite cat- murray
poor olivia- she wanted us gone.
but she loves her mum.
and the chillin's:
"what dis?"
and a bit of instagram:
you know- looking at these pictures & thinking about how tired i was is actually making me tired. right now.
a great weekend- have one.
ha, you look awesome after 3 hrs of sleep...imagine if you got EIGHT hrs!! you'd look, like, mind blowing awesome. :)
You look fantastic. Tired, yes, I recognize that look so well, but still fantastic!
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