8:00pm on the couch:husband: i've really wanted to have sex with you for like the past 2 weeks
me: oh- well, sorry.
husband: yeah well- it's probably because i find you more attractive than you find me
me: um- ok- or it's because i've had an insane amount of activity going on down there and you & i copulating is the last thing on my mind
husband: ok- i know- i just wanted to let you know.
me: good to know- but it's not gonna happen for awhile
10:30pm in the bed:husband: (starts in with the
"please have sex with me moves" which include grabbing my ass & my boobs)
me: (ignores him- hoping he gets the message)
husband: (becomes more persistant)
me: um- i'm not trying to be mean, but you know i'm not allowed to have sex with you
husband: (explodes) argh- whatever- the directions didn't say no sex for like 5 weeks
me: um- i had sex with you two weeks ago so stfu, and also, the directions DO say no sex & i'm not risking it because you're too lazy to jack it (
ok- the last line i just thought- did not say)
husband: (silent- because he knows i'm right)
me: (i'm so right- turns around & gets comfortable)
husband: (feels bad so he places his hand on my thigh & falls asleep) good boy
gosh- how annoying. he knows that rules- just stop it already- i'm not punishing you so stop pouting.
damn- i don't want your penis! back off!
the end.