Monday, June 28, 2010

i've gone iMac

so- thanks to many of you, FB friends, family, the Australian salesguy at BestBuy- i am now the owner of a brand new iMac.

yes- that's right. me- the PC girl. i've been loyal to PC's since the dawn of computers...actually- that's a lie- because i know for a fact that my family owned one of these back in the day:


dear God. that thing was amazing. there was this flying apple game & he ate letters- anyone remember that?! gah!

anyway- after the VERY early years- we went Dell, HP, Gateway- etc etc etc, and we never looked back.

- would we get pissed when our loyal PC would randomly shut down? yes
- would we kick the loudly humming towers of our many Dell's, to shut it up? yes
- would we think twice about eating or drinking on top of the keyboards of our HP's? no

but they were cheap- and they worked. and i honestly have no hard feelings- even AFTER the whole Windows Vista thing. good God- someone really dropped the ball on that one. but STILL! my Gateway laptop has served me well these past 3 years or so- and i still intend to use it (once i figure out this whole wireless thing)

however, it was time to move on to something that could handle my needs. so after much deliberation (i think i walked away, and back, away, and back...from the Apple table like 15 times) i went iMac.

i went iMac instead of MacBook Pro because the iMac is bigger & better & i don't need it to be mobile. i get a TB of space, the screen is huge, i can calibrate it, etc etc. plus, we already have a laptop if needed- my Gateway.
and since the chances of me lugging around a MacBook are slim to none (considering that i would have to be lugging that along with a soon to be toddler & an infant) yeah- no need. so iMac it was.

so this is what now graces the desk in our living room:


...well, here's a more accurate picture:


the sleek aesthetics of the iMac looks a tad bit out of place against the wooden walls of our home- but i think everyone will learn to get along.

i love the lack of wires. i mean- it's like 99% wireless. incredible! even the hubs is impressed- and this is a man who still types with 2 fingers.

we did have to do quite a bit of rearranging in order to make a spot for it- but i actually really like the new setup. until we eventually add on- it works.

so now i just have to figure this thing out. i really liked simply importing my photos into a folder on my PC & calling it a day (thank you AutoPlay)- but i'm pretty much forced to use iPhoto from what i gather. so i get annoyed that i can't SEE the actual picture i want to upload to Flickr (i'm probably doing it wrong- but yeah) practice makes perfect.

i'll now need to download LightRoom & figure out how to import into that as well. i'll also need to bring over a few photos from the laptop, so i bought a flash drive. thankfully- most of the pics in my laptop were edited & uploaded to Flickr- so no need to bring them all over. i'll just go from a here-on-out motto.

like i said- once i get a wireless connection setup, i can still use the laptop. but for now, i'll simply use both.

so there you have it people. i have a Mac.

oh- and because of said new iMac- the BabyLegs giveaway will start up NEXT monday (07/05) because i was too tired to figure out how to upload the pics i wanted. my apologies!
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Friday, June 25, 2010

picture post

so i've played around with my template & i think i like it.

i wanted
1. simple
2. bigger pictures

in the future i'll need to re-size my pics FIRST before uploading to flickr. because right now my large pics = 1024x680 and my medium pics = 500x332

large is too big & medium is too small- i want something in the middle. i tried simply changing the size on the link- but then the pictures get pixalated & weird.

so i'm assuming re-sizing first will do the trick- am i right? any other easier ideas? i really don't want to re-size first but i'll do what i have to i suppose.

well for today the pics will be medium size- because i don't have the energy to re-size!

here's a crapload of pics of alex & myself (@ 16 weeks) & the weiners. she was teething & snotty & a tad bit sick- but all in all, a good sport.

i took a bunch for her 9 months shoot yesterday- but those'll have to be posted next week:

Picture or Video 1068
Picture or Video 1069
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Picture or Video 1098

and there- pretty girl!

and lastly- any advice on a new computer/laptop?

i'm a PC girl & i currently have an HP Laptop (i think)- nothing special, just whatever. it's 3 years old and is currently being asked to do way more than it can handle (ie: pictures, LightRoom, CS4- etc etc)

i'm getting SO annoyed with the constant random shutdowns- but i know it's my own fault.

so! i need a new computer. i know Macs are awesome for photos- but i've never owned a Mac & i love PC's- but i'm willing to go with a Mac if it's the best bang for my buck.

i'd love to stick with a laptop- but is there a laptop that can handle all that i need to do (photo editing wise)? or am i going to have to bite the bullet & by a desktop (which i don't mind all that much)

i have to make a decision soon because my LightRoom trial runs out on 06/30 & i don't want to buy it & put it on my laptop to then wind up with a new computer & have to buy it again- you know?

so any suggestions/advice- etc etc? i'd love to hear! gracias!
and have a great weekend everyone!
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Moody Mamas giveaway winner

the winner of the Moody Mamas Giveaway is:

Comment #22! Congrats That Mama Gretchen!
please contact me within 48 hours!

to everyone else- thanks for playing & congrats on your pregnancies!

Monday = BabyLegs Giveaway! everyone loves BL's so make sure to top by!
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

a few things

- my kid is 9 months old today!
- she greeted me sitting up in her crib this morning (first time)
- she has her 9 month appt tomorrow
- she crawls like a hunchback- it's awkward, but effective
- she eats anything & everything
- she loves to yell & scream & copy you doing the same
- she's pretty awesome in every way
- if you have a kid the same age, you probably want said kid to be bff's with my kid- just sayin

so there you are- total update on my child. if all goes as planned (ie: i'm not lazy tonight) i'll post pics on the morrow.

now- in my news. i'm pretty lucky when it comes to pregnancy. my nausea is very minimal, i don't swell, i think i look pretty cute & all in all- it's a good ride.

but i do suffer from 2 things:
1. heartburn
2. sciatic pain

#1 is pretty self explainatory- but some people have trouble with understanding #2- so i've drawn you a picture that should thoroughly express my dislike for sciatic pain:

does that make sense? it should- it's practically science.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

BlogHer 10' Ticket for sale

i have a BlogHer 10' Full Conference Pass ticket for sale.

i bought the ticket with every intention on going. then work was like- "hey, were sending you to Vegas that week- cool?"

yes- very cool.

so now i need to get rid of it. it cost me $300.45 and i'd love to get $300 for it. however, i understand that that may not be possible.

so i'm willing to take $300 or BO. if you're interested then you can shoot me an email @

again- it's a Full Conference Pass and those have been sold out for months. this ticket entitles you to everything the conference has to offer. score!
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Monday, June 21, 2010

happy 1st day of summer

it's summer. finally. now we can go from complaining about -15° weather to 95° weather.

now, in honor of this already 72° at 7:30am day, i'm going to talk about my most favorite summer beverage ever:
the Mojito.

just looking at that picture makes my mouth water. ever since my first sip of this magical drink- i've been hooked. it's gotten to the point of an obsession.

if we're at a bar, my first question "do you serve mojiotos?" out to eat, "...mojitos?" children's birthday parties, ", mojitos?" you catch my drift. when sumer hits- it's mojito mode for me.

so- imagine me last summer- very pregnant & unable to indulge. also imagine my sadistic husband who took every opportunity to order a mojito while we were out, knowing full well that i was dying inside. he is pure evil!

well so what- i knew i'd be un-pregnant in a few months & then i'd have a baby so i wouldn't even think about mojitos & then by next summer- YAY! mojito time!!! right, right?!?!

fast forward to now. yes- i am once again "in the family way" so i could see the wheels in the hubs head turning- oiled in the sweet knowledge that he has a sure method of torture for the entire summer. he was practically salivating with the thought (i'm saying 50% for mojitos & %50 for my pain & suffering)

well i'm not going to stand for it. NO! i woke up on saturday & said to myself, "SELF! YOU WILL HAVE MOJITOS THIS SUMMER! HOOOOOORAY!" so, with my infant daughter & 4 month old fetus in tow- i headed off to find the most perfect limes- the most minty mint & some kind of substitute for top shelf rum.

mission accomplished. now i simply had to wait for an excuse to make an entire pitcher of virgin mojitos....but of course! father's day dinner at the in-laws! hooray! my mother in law doesn't drink, i can't drink & my brother in law's girlfriend is also "with child"- score.

while i waited for sunday to arrive- i decided to make something else- Mojito Cupcakes. um, i should stop now- because they were so good i wanted to cry. i promise to post the recipe & pics on my food blog (which i know i've been neglecting). i may or may not have eaten 3. but whatever.

sunday morning dawned hot & muggy. perfect mojito weather. after letting my husband bask in the glow of father's day gifts & paid for by me breakfast, it was off to the in-laws where my virgin mojito plan would be put into action. we arrived & while he was distracted by "man stuff" (dunno what that is really, him & his dad seem to be pretty into it) i got to work.

chopping, slicing, picking, muddling, crushing, juicing- hard work! my mother in law wandered in & said "ooooh! it smells good in here!" i wish i could say this is hard for my mother in law to say because she's some sort of cold hearted wench that hates me & wants to see me unhappy in everything, because that would add lots of awesome to my mojito story, but i simply can't because my mother in law is possibly the sweetest thing in the whole world. she's like puppies, ice cream & sunshine all rolled into one hot, fluffy & tasty ball. actually- that makes her sound kind of gross- but you know what i mean. ANYWAY- i digress.

after about 20 minutes (i made a huge ass pitcher btw)- my work was done. the kitchen smelled like summer & in front of my was a large pitcher of ice cold virgin mojito. it was bubbly & green. i wanted to stick the straw right into it & keep it for myself. but that's selfish- and i'm very giving.

so i got out 4 glasses- scooped some mojito yum into each one (mojito yum = muddled up lime, mint & ice) and filled them to the tippy top. i popped a straw in each one & carrier them out. my father in law (who doesn't look at things before they go into his mouth) gave me the desired reaction. his eyes got big & he said "man oh man. this stuff is good!" this caused the hubs head to snap up like "...what is this?" he spied the glass- then he spied me drinking the contents of said glass- and i could see his plans for summer torture come crashing down. honestly- he looked a little hurt. like, "why would you do this to me?"

sweet victory. but he was a good sport. he drank his virgin mojito & stated that it was swell. then my brother in law & his girlfriend arrived & they also gave the thumbs up. i wound up making another pitcher & besides an after dinner coffee- that was all we drank. no one even touched the rum my husband had brought. sucker.

so there you have it. virgin mojitos are good. this is coming from a die hard non-virgin mojito fan. i don't think anything can make up for the missing kick of top shelf rum- but it's ok. at least you know you can drink 4 glasses & not have to pay for it in the morning.

so here's my easy peasy recipe for Virgin Mojitos. i say easy peasy because traditional mojitos use simple syrup, club soda, rum, limes & mint. but i can't have rum, and i didn't want to make simple syrup & i couldn't find a 2 liter bottle of club soda. so i compromised. and it worked.

Virgin Mojitos (this makes a very large pitcher)

  1. 2 liter bottle of 7up
  2. 4-5 limes
  3. fresh mint (1 large bunch is enough for 2 pitchers)
  4. 1 tblsp sugar

slice the limes & then cut those slices in half. pick off about 1 cup worth of mint leaves. toss the limes, mint & sugar into the pitcher & start muddling. this means smashing the limes & mint together- get the lime juices flowing & the oils running from that mint. muddle, muddle, muddle! i use a muddling stick i got off a bottle of Bacardi- but you can use whatever you have on hand.

add the ice- i used a good 4 cups or so- and mix. i used a spoon to mix the ice & muddled mess together ( you don't want all the good stuff on the bottom). then add the 7up- just pour it in. then let it sit for 5 minutes or so. i know it's hard- but you can do it. get out some glasses & using a slotted spoon- spoon some of the muddled mess (ice & all) into each glass. then put the top on the pitcher & fill up each glass.

pop a straw into each one & enjoy! (the straw is a MUST because otherwise you wind up with mint pieces in your teeth. not as fun as it sounds)

if you're not down with 7up- you can use Ginger Ale, Sprite- whatever. i liked 7up the best for this. and if you want to be more "original" then go ahead & use club soda. however you WILL need a sweetener so you'll have to use a ton of sugar (and have gritty mojitos) or you can make a simple syrup (this is equal parts water & sugar boiled together & cooled. pretty simple- but not as simple as a bottle of 7up!)

and there you have it. i hope everyone had a wonderful weekend & here's to a good (and hopefully quick) workweek!
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Thursday, June 17, 2010

wedding pictures (sneak peek)

so here is a sneak peek of the wedding i shot a few weeks ago.
i'm not a pro by any stretch of the imagination. i simply like taking pics & wanted to do my bff's little bro a favor.

i showed the bride & she loved them. so that made me happy- but i still judge because i can't help it.

what do you think. be honest. also- which edits do you like best? (ie: B&W, color, vintage- etc etc)

i'll post the rest soon- editing is a bitch.

there you go. there are A LOT more. i took over 300 pics. i'm doing all sorts of different edits & giving them my favorites (even if that means 2 different edits of the same picture)
yay! ok so be honest- if you didn't have to pay me would you ask me to shoot anything for you ::wink wink::
i don't think i did too bad. some limb chopping & other things that i'm working on- but all in all- ont vomit inducing!
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

alex in her pool

so a couple weekends ago we got alex her first little pool.

in anticipation for what was most likely to be a monumentous occasion, i slathered her in sunscreen & bug spray & squeezed her into her bathing suit.

...only to get outside & realize that even after sitting in the sun for 2 hours. the pool water was still at a hypothermic level. like, insanely cold.

so i boiled some water & poured it in. FINALLY- success. water that would not endanger my child's life with it's fridgid temperature.

i got the camera ready & put the hubs on "get baby in the pool duty": (all pics are SOOC- so no fun editing peeps)

we started with the slide:

ok- we're cool with the slide. now- water time:

initial reaction: "get me the eff out of this pool!":

but then she started to warm up to the idea:

"...wait, i can splash you say?":

"well i'll be!":

splish splash


and there you have it folks. alex's first time in her pool.

unfortunately about 3 minutes later she realized that she could pull herself halfway over the side of said pool & eat the dirt & grass. hmm, ok.

so after distracting her, she got on her tummy in the pool and pushed herself around- fun! until she swalled some water, choked on it & threw up in the pool.

then pool time was over. but it was fun while it lasted.

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