i have a cold.
alex has a cold.
tis the season.
i'm 99% sure we picked it up at a friends house- she has 3 kids & 2 of them were fairly snotty & coughing while we were there. the next day- bam- i felt like crap and as of yesterday, bam- so does alex.
if i'd known before hand, i wouldn't have gone. no offense, i love them- but i hate being sick & i hate seeing alex suffer.
oh well. what's done is done.
anyway- so i shot out of bed @ 11:30pm last night because i hear alex snorting/coughing/choking. poor thing was so congested and miserable.
i used some saline drops & sucked out her nose & throat (which i felt bad about because i'd already done a ton of that earlier but i had no choice. i fed her, rocked her, vicksed her chest, swaddled her back up and put her back down. i also inclined the crap out of her. like, she might have well been sitting up. and then she slept much better. i woke up a inch to check on her, but the Angel Care monitor really puts my mind at ease that eveything is ok.
she slept till about 6 or so this morning, and then BAM- horrible. she woke up crying so i salined her nose & did a little more suction (i felt really bad now because now she had some bloody mucus- poor baby) then i changed her, fed her & stripped her down to her diaper.
she was actually pretty content at this point, she's been a real trooper.
but i wanted to break up some of her congestion- so i went ahead and started the shower. then i took a bowl, smeared Vicks in it (a good sized glob of it) and smeared more on a washcoth & put it in the bowl. i put that under the spray and WALLA! it was awesome. it helped her & me.
we sat in the closed up, steamy vicks goodness bathroom for a good 30 min or so. then i rinsed out the washcoth and wiped her nose with it. her eyes lit up like WHOA. then she started snuffling it- adorable....then i used it. nice.
i salined her nose once more- let it sit & only used tissues to wipe this time (then i realized that tissues suck & i broke out the Boogie Wipes a friend had gotten me as a "joke" actually- because i'm ANAL about snot- and those things kick ass). gotta give her poor nose a break. i dressed her, gave her a paci & she is happily napping for now.
whew. it sucked because i'd like nothing more than to stay home with her today- but i have a dentist appt & i have to go pick up a humidifier for her- so we'll make it as quick as possible.
thankfully my best friend is coming with me today to help out. i love her.
and that's that.
i should go change this snot covered t-shirt. gross.