Thursday, July 17, 2008


7dpfet- my chart link sucked yesterday (sorry!!!) so here it is again:

my temp went up! i don't know how great that is- but i'm hoping it's a good sign! still no spotting, but i am still crampy...sooooo yeah. who knows what's going on in there?!

hmmm- what else? we have to take our little weenies to the vet tonight, so i'm hoping Cessna's cold, or whatever it is, can get cleared up. i also need to remember to bag her poo to take with me. i don't envy whomever has the job of testing thats shit...literally. heh.

omg- i love watermelon sour patch candies- i'm eating them now. but i also ate like a pound of almonds earlier & now my stomache hurts a little- God, my eating is so freaking random ass.

ok- i should go work now. seriously.
thank you to all the ladies that read this thing & encourage me, if i could, i would do some GoG with all of you- nom nom nom!
Pin It!


Sasha & Mark said...

You temptress! now I'm craving sour patch kids! I'm glad your temp went up. cramps + no spotting = good sign!!

shawna said...

I cramped from the ET on. I still have random cramping. I would say that is a good sign. Good Luck! When is the beta?

True Companions Plus One? said...

Hey there! Hopefully tomorrow's temp continues to go up - keep us posted!

Kelly B. said...

I see your temp is up again!!!!! Hurry up and test woman, I'm dying over here!